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  • Writer's pictureThe Rev. Matt

S12EP11: Yuletide Quest - Ready, Steady, Reset

Hey, gang! Welcome to my life – where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia. 



DOC: Velcum To My Life ees a prochect, un experiment in Life unt ART. A living storyboard, if you will. Its premise ees zat life ees experiential, unt zat you can, unt do, experience ze life you choose. It ees based on Ze Veel of Life unt Ze ARTs for Ze New Millennium as life building tools. Ja, it’s true! 



WALT: Welcome to my Life is a Geist…House Players Production, in association with the Center for Creative Inspirationalism. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft-times unknowing, inspiration and support:



Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine


The Shaman

The Pillar

F’n Bob

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan

The Warden


Professor Siggy Chong

Sparky Wentz-eclaus

The VanMan and General Ralph Glossop, and Craze (may they R.I.P.)

The Messengers of The Galactic Federation


BJ & The Bull



The Baker of the Cornbread

Andy Pandy

The Mudder



St. Diane & You (5)

Brother John & Sister Jen

The Bee Man

Spooky Queen

Boom-Boom Snuffbox

The Nameless One


The Cousins

The Rox


Sir Richard Slouch

The Wix-ians

The Socialite

The Village of Idiots


Dancing Queen

Downtown Encyclopedia Brown

Chicken Witch

Dick Pointer

Soup, the Son

The Legendary Pink Elephants

Baby-Mama Rabbit

Wisconsin Belle

The Babes


Aaaand, of course, a very generous sponsor who (not-so-much) wishes to remain anonymous.



It is…Sunday, January 14, Two-Thousand and Twenty-More. Time...Adjusting


Theme – The Illusion of it All


I know I have been in this thought before. I point it out many times and in different ways. All of life is an illusion. It’s like a psychedelic trip man. We see what we want to see. We can all look at the same thing and have different versions of what it is, or what is happening. This si because we all see through different eyes – of experience, of learning, of knowledge, of understanding, of compassion. I say frequently that that is why there can be so many different denominations of Christianity. We can all read The bible, but we will all walk away with our own interpretations of what it is. We look for things that validate whatever our mindset may be. We will overlook, or outright ignore, things that challenge our mindset. Even if those things are in our best interest [but they challenge some self-loathing, self-destructive mindset we carry.] I say this is the reason I don’t give much weight to studies and reports and statistics. All of those graphs and charts are created using information to validate the point. It is why you can find varying and contradicting statistics and studies and reports. Everyone is looking for something slightly different in the same information. Again, this all came to me through my financial experiences. I’ve said before that my finances will tell a different story – depending on how you read them. For instance – technically, I am behind. I let 2 bills go this week. However, I am not in the negative. I have money in my account to spend tomorrow, but not really. It is claimed for Tuesday. [So I just need to make what I spend.] All of life is an illusion, tempered to suit our dispositions. So, choose your illusions wisely, Fellow Travelers.




Lesson – Cut Your Losses


This was a rather tough one. As usual, it came to me in the form of financial situations. I had a very tough week. The business just hasn’t been there. If that’s not bad enough, I started the week trying to make up for bills from last week. [because the business wasn’t there and when it was I had vehicular issues…and snow.] Nonetheless, I strive to pay my bills each week – all of them, in full. It stresses me out when I can’t. It is how I find myself in mess after mess. I usually just pay the bill and figure it out along the way. This week, I chose two bills to go by the wayside. One was The Mechanic. The other was a credit card. I didn’t enjoy either choice, but I had to do something. I accepted the loss. I didn’t try to make something else out of it. Loss happens. It happens when we least expect it and at the most inconvenient of times. When it does happen it sucks – it hurts, it cripples, it delays. I have lost so much in my life – family, friends, relationships, jobs, businesses, hobbies & interests, money, possessions…teeth. I struggled through all of it. I carried each of those losses with me for a long time. I had to accept them for what they were. When we don’t Cut Our Losses we carry them with us. They become a weight, holding us in place. We try to validate them, explain them, argue or defend – to ourselves or others. We try to make up for them. It’s like out way of filling the void – healing the wound. But you have to accept it. You have to let it go – cut it loose. That’s how you heal. I spent so long trying to Make those losses right and that led to some of the worse decisions and experiences of my life. It is what led to depression and thoughts of suicide [and so much more.] It led to those things because no matter what I did, nor how accomplished I may have been at any time, I still felt empty because I was trying to compensate for the losses. For a year, I did the same with my finances. This week I just chose to Cut My Losses – all of them.




Observation – This IS My Success Story


I don’t know which moment it was that struck me. It was like a light going on. The whole of my life seems to have been struggle. It’s always something – every time I turn around. I just can’t seem to catch a break. I struggle, sure. But I also survive. And, sooner or later, I succeed – I bring it all together, make it work. All my life I was searching for that thing, that moment, that something that was mine.  Little did I know that all along I was living it. For me, every day is a success. I manage, juggle, manipulate, organize, rearrange, and on and on. I am successful every day because, no matter what happens, I keep on keeping on. No matter how much motivation or momentum I may lose along the way, I somehow get back on track. I drop the ball. I fall off the horse. But I run the race and keep myself in the game.




The Post



HO-LY FFFFUCK! What a week.


Sorry, Fellow Travelers. I have no other words at the moment. These are not words of distress. They are more like words of relief. I did it. I got through the week. Despite everything it threw at me, I got through the week.


Monday I spent working to catch up from last week.


Tuesday morning I had a support conference. That went better than expected. [It usually does.] I went in with a plan and politeness. Those two things always seem to help.


Wednesday, I had an interview with The Valley’s Favorite Convenience Store. At this point, I am assuming that I did not get the job. He said he’d be in touch by the end of the week and here we are. It’s ok. I wasn’t sure how well it would work out anyway. It was going to be a challenge, but I was willing to face it. Though, I did realize after the interview that that really isn’t something I want in my life. But we will see.


I think Thursday was the day of torrential rains. So that took me off the road early. Actually, I don’t know which day it was. I only know there was a day of rain that messed with my evening.


Friday, the President came to The Valley. So, that also messed with my evening. My whole day really, but I did OK in the morning and over lunch. But for dinner all the roads were going to be closed for his departure. There was no working that night.


Yesterday and today were ok days. Decent enough. However, they were long. Both days were terrible during the morning and most of lunch. Then, near the end of lunch – on both days, it would pick up randomly and I would end up making what I set out to make. Just barely.


Nonetheless, I got where I was going. [For now anyway.] I see this coming week – this moment right now – as a reset. For the first time in a year, I think I have all the pieces in proper alignment [for the moment.]


The mission was to come into this next week without having to work to pay for this past week. This is a pattern that started back around Thanksgiving and I just have not been able to shake it. Every week I am hopeful. But there has been something – or a few things – each week that has just derailed me. Weather, The President, car troubles, holidays have all played a part in keeping me from balancing out.


So, this week, I Cut My Losses. I chose 2 bills to go unpaid – not only because I could [with minimal repercussion,] but I also had to. It was the only way I could possibly make a $0 balance. I spent $9.82 on groceries this week, Fellow Travelers. Now, the kids picked up some basics that we all use [I usually take care of that,] and I picked up some small odds and ends.




However, I will make up for that this week. We have a fairly hefty grocery list – not so much in number of items but eh bulk and cost. But this investment now will give us a foundation for later. Next week will be a little lighter. It will all come back into a steady flow again soon enough.


A reset.


I have to go to the tobacco store first thing tomorrow. [Well, after I get gas.] So, I will start my day with a new bag of tobacco and a new box of tubes. [And a new tank of gas.]


A reset.


I managed a new video in the last week. I was having some difficulty getting it processed and I am not certain that I will not have problems moving forward, In the meantime, the first video of 2020 More has arrived – with plans for more.


A reset.


All in all, I feel pretty good about things. I’m far from where I would like to be, but I see a bright road ahead.


If you know me, Fellow Travelers, you know that I like to use numbers from time to time in order to gauge my place on the timeline. Very often, it can be difficult to choose a proper starting point. Such has been the case with The Homestead.


My official conclusion is that 2022 was The Void of this scenario. In the beginning of that year, there was life. Things were happening. Then the accident happened and life was set into turmoil. What was was no longer. There was a Void as my life fell apart. Then by the end of the year, things began to take shape for The Homestead.


Last year found me struggling to be. I had a foundation of things but it took the whole year to kind of find my way through this whole new experience. Kind of like the 1st year of life. We are and we do. But we don’t really understand any of it yet. We fumble our way through, doing more as we grow.


So this year should be a year of balance, of duality, of some degree of partnership.


So, now, anyway…I managed to get into the week without being behind or negative. This was step 1 of my ‘master plan.’ Step 2 involves making money above and beyond what my weekly expenses are. Obviously, this should always be the Goal. But, I came into all of this running blind, winging it. Now, I have a plan that takes that extra into account.


I have a lump sum of money that I am going to push to make every week – above and beyond my needs. It is portioned out and earmarked for different things such as future heating expenses or miscellaneous needs. [So in reality, none of it is really extra – just preemptive. Lol.]


I had intended to start that part of the plan this past week but I came into the week having to work a whole day to catch up from last week. Plus, there were very slow days and interruptions. Not to mention my daily income needs were very high. It was set at the top end of my range. I hate those kinds of weeks because there is no flexibility nor play and if something goes wrong there’s typically no fixing it.


So, I am all square to start the week. I have a plan to make a small jump forward. [week by week.] The next few weeks my daily income needs are more in the mid-range. Honestly, even that’s been hard some days over the past few weeks. But, as we move away from the holidays, business should get better.


The trick is to not run out and just start spending all of that money on things. I need to take it slowly, step by step. The overall plan depends on me also being able to have money in the account the first day of each week. Life is so much easier when I don’t have to earn the money before I can do things like get gas and groceries and such.


So, right now, I have all of those pieces in place and I am feeling strong and confident moving ahead.


This week I did something new. I got 2 audio books. My Prime membership allowed me 2 downloads from Audible. I never really gave audio books a thought before and I don’t know that I will continue a membership. I’m not sure $15 a month is something I need at the moment.


Nonetheless, one book is on the power of self-discipline. The other is titled You’re a Bad Ass at Making Money. I am listening to them just a little bit at a time. They are self help books and they challenge mindsets. I can feel shifts happening as well as my own resistance to them. I don’t think we realize just how set in our ways we are. How we actually, on some level, fight to defend even our negative mindsets. I find myself having the same arguments and debates with myself as the author describes having when she first stumbled upon the thing that would shift her own mindsets. [The money book. I should have specified.]


So we will see how that goes.


One last note.


One of my Yule experiences has left me feeling curious. I want to run a little experiment. However, I do not want to say more than that at the moment. It does involve money. Spending it. Maybe making a little. We shall see. I’m not attached to the money aspect of it though. I mean, I might make some or I might lose some. I am more interested in the actual experiment for now. [Which is why I think it is the perfect time to try it.]


If you’re not already there, go to the Welcome to my Life Facebook page – WTML. Or the YouTube channel – WelcomeToMyLife08. You can also find me on Facebook under Rev. Matt.


Wherever you are and whenever you are – Like, Comment, and Share – we’re on a Journey and it takes you to get there.


So, without hesitation, for now and for always, from here in Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev…


WALT: And Walt…


DOC:  Unt Doc…


JOHNNY: Aaaaand Johnny…


And those guys, saying, “Stay Tuned-In, Fellow Travelers,” and wishing you Peace, Love, Light…


WALT: And Freakishness, Baby.



The Totems & Archetypes

from Ted Andrews’ Animal Speak


Goat – Surefootedness and Seeking New Heights


Technically this is for mountain goat, but it is all I have to work with at the moment.




Goose - The Call of the Quest and Travels to Legendary Places


A totem reflecting a stimulation of the childhood thrill and belief in stories and legendary places. These stories either reflected an imprint for this life or they may have even imprinted you with certain seed ideas. Also be a totem to aid you in communication especially through the use of stories. Individuals wishing to write - be it stories or anything - can facilitate this process by working with the goose as a totem. It will stimulate the imagination and help move you through creative blocks. Also a symbol of fertility and marital fidelity. It may reflect a need for more vegetables in the diet, and maybe even becoming a vegetarian for a while. It reflects an ability to move forward or backward. It reflects movement, and a call to the spiritual quest. Stirs our imagination and makes us want to seek out new worlds and dimensions. Calling us to follow them on the great spiritual quest. It speaks of the fulfilled promises that great quests bring. Epitomizes the mystery of migration. Reminds us that as any one individual mass his or her quest, it becomes easier for others to do so as well. Reminding us that we should not undertake any quest in life without having a full view of what it entails. In this way the journey is facilitated for others. Reflects an opening to new possibilities. New directions and new possibilities. Reflects an openness to new ideas. Usually indicates we are about to affix ourselves to a new path. Reflects great fertility that should be acted upon if growth is desired. Greater vision, physical and spiritual, will occur. Can reflect that you are about to break free of old childhood restraints and begin to come into your own. You can expect to have the imagination stirred towards new travels to distant places - whether in the body or mind. 



Hawk - Visionary Power and Guardianship.


Messengers, protectors and visionaries. Visionary power and leading you to your life purpose. There is a message coming. What you eat, you become. Kundalini. Childhood visions are becoming empowered and fulfilled. The ability to soar and glide upon the currents. Great Heights while still keeping your feet on the ground. Attacks by people who won’t understand you - attack your ability to soar. Teaching of higher expression of psychosis and vision. Beauty and harmony in moderation. Lead you to using your creative energy in manifesting your soul purpose. Hope and new ideas. A need to be open to the new or shows ways that you may help teach others to be open to the new. Be observant. Life is sending signals. Careful in expression. Comments and actions will be strong and powerful with the ability to tear and/or kill. 



Owl - The Mystery of Magic, Omens, Silent Wisdom, and Vision in the Night


Symbol of the feminine and the night. Ties to fertility and seduction. Bird of magic and darkness, of prophecy and wisdom. Symbolically associated with clairvoyance, astral projection and magic, both black and white. Hints of the light of the sun, alive in the dark of night. Meditation on this alone will reveal much about the magic of Owl within your life. Will be able to see and hear what others are trying to hide. What is not being said. See what is hidden or in the shadows. Detect and pinpoint the subtleties. Unique ability to see into the darkness of others’ souls. And life. Their medicine can extract secrets. If your neck is stiff and inflexible, you are hindering your perceptions to a great degree. Often reflects that you were born very perceptive - with a vision of others that you may or may not have recognized or acknowledged. Unique ability for seeing into the eyes and souls of others. Keep silent and go about your business. Eliminate those aspects that are not beneficial and unhealthy. 



Raccoon - Dexterity and Disguise


Also study Bear. Diet - vegetables and fruits. Expert at disguise and secrecy. Can teach you how to mask and disguise and transform yourself. Can teach you how to become dexterous in the masks you wear. Can show you how to wear a healing mask or show you the face of what you will become. Holds the knowledge of how to change our faces. Do you need to present a different face to people for greater success? Are you hiding your true self? Are others hiding their true selves? Learning to use masks to put one area of yourself to sleep so that another can be awakened. Will help you develop dexterity in using masks to achieve new and altered states and dimensions. 20 week cycles. 

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