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  • Writer's pictureThe Rev. Matt

S12EP9: Yuletide Quest - Welcome to 2020 More

Hey, gang! Welcome to my life – where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia. 



DOC: Velcum To My Life ees a prochect, un experiment in Life unt ART. A living storyboard, if you will. Its premise ees zat life ees experiential, unt zat you can, unt do, experience ze life you choose. It ees based on Ze Veel of Life unt Ze ARTs for Ze New Millennium as life building tools. Ja, it’s true! 



WALT: Welcome to my Life is a Geist…House Players Production, in association with the Center for Creative Inspirationalism. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft-times unknowing, inspiration and support:



Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine


The Shaman

The Pillar

F’n Bob

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan

The Warden


Professor Siggy Chong

Sparky Wentz-eclaus

The VanMan and General Ralph Glossop, and Craze (may they R.I.P.)

The Messengers of The Galactic Federation


BJ & The Bull



The Baker of the Cornbread

Andy Pandy

The Mudder


St. Diane & You (5)

Brother John & Sister Jen

The Bee Man

Spooky Queen

Boom-Boom Snuffbox

The Nameless One


The Cousins

The Rox


Sir Richard Slouch

The Wix-ians

The Socialite

The Village of Idiots


Dancing Queen

Downtown Encyclopedia Brown

Chicken Witch

Dick Pointer

Soup, the Son

The Legendary Pink Elephants

Baby-Mama Rabbit

Wisconsin Belle

The Babes


Aaaand, of course, a very generous sponsor who (not-so-much) wishes to remain anonymous.



It is…Sunday, January7, Two-Thousand and Twenty-More. Time...Believing.


Theme – As Much as Things Change They Stay the Same


This was an unfortunate Theme. In as much as the examples are a tad frustrating. For as long as we have been separated I have had a struggle with Mama over communication. In particular, her letting me know things like doctor’s visits and such. Now, out relationship – as a whole – I thought was getting better. Yet, this week, Sunshine had to go to urgent care twice. Once I had asked Mama to take her. The other time, I had to hear from Sunshine herself that she had been there and what the diagnosis was. I thought about saying something to Mama. I mean, there is still a custody order that requires her to communicate such things. But, it’s really not worth the aggravation. It’s just…disappointing. The other example is the family. Once again, I found out about the upcoming family Christmas party. [It is always held in January because it is too hard to get everyone together over the holidays.] I mean, things are obviously so much better between Big ‘D’ and myself. Even Boom-Dee-Aye has been decent. Still, I only found out about it by chance – a passing conversation with Big ‘D.’ It was not an invitation. One might be able to construe it that way, but what I wasn’t told is that it has changed venues since the last one I attended. I had to learn that from Cuddlebug when I asked if she knew the party was coming up. [She did. She received a text from Big ‘D’ weeks ago.] I’m not really upset about it. Again, it’s mostly just disappointing that things really don’t change. In truth there is less than a handful of people I would even care to visit. One is Big ‘D’ and we talk frequently now. One is my last surviving aunt. Then there are two cousins and their wives, but they can chat with me or see me anytime they would like. The rest don’t bother with me and that is fine. Some of them have been downright rude to me over the years – like the one who literally turned his back on me at my own father’s funeral. Again, I could make an appearance just to remind them that I haven’t gone anywhere and I am still part of the family. [And to get under some skins.] But, it’s just not worth the energy, nor the karma.




Lesson – Vibe It


I often get strange looks or whispers [not behind my back] from people about the way I make decisions and live my life. I basically wing it. I go with whatever is feeling right in the moment. Very often, I let life choose for me. I find that his works for me. More often than not, it works better than if I had made choices on my own. The best example I have of this is the oil burner last Sunday. I kept going back and forth on when I wanted to leave for work. Then, all of a sudden, I was just overcome with the need to go. I jumped from my desk. I skipped breakfast and a shower and just got myself together to go. If I had tried to leave any earlier, then the problem would not have been discovered, the kids would have been left unaware and that could have resulted in very unfortunate things. If I had waited to leave until later, it could have been just too late all around. Spirit always knows what is best and the best way to find the Spirit is to just Vibe It.



Observation – It’s All Irrelevant


 I know I mentioned something along this line sometime in the past several weeks. But it really just kind of hit home again for me this week. We struggle to build these lives that, unfortunately, are truly irrelevant. It doesn’t matter what degrees or titles or jobs we have. It doesn’t matter how much money or where we live or what kind of car we drive. It doesn’t matter what our beliefs and feelings are. The only person these things truly matter to is yourself. When you are gone, they will all fade away and be forgotten. Likewise, the things that upset us are generally irrelevant. For instance, there are several things the kids do [or rather don’t do] around The Homestead that get under my skin. Mostly because they go against the way my home functions. But, it is pointless to say anything. They will grow into things when they are ready – not by me drilling them into their heads. So, I just shrug it off and do my thing. It’s irrelevant. Worrying about the future is wasted thought and energy. The Future is irrelevant. The future will be set when you get to it. [And rarely is it the future you saw for yourself, but it is always the one you want when you get there.]




The Post


Monday. January 1, 2024; 1943









Well that was one helluva year.



I am left feeling somewhere…In Between. I’m tired and worn and feeling a little broken. I am glad the year is over. And yet, I am also somehow feeling excited, invigorated and energized. I am so ready for the new year to begin.  



I realize the date of course and that technically the new year has begun. However, I am still in the Void of Yule. Fir me, the year does not actually start until tomorrow. My work day is in today. So, in a way, my year has come to an end. I’m sort of decompressing.



It’s very hard for me to believe that I have been in The Homestead now [officially] for a whole year. Who would have ever thought I could have pulled this off? [And I know there were plenty of doubters about.] Now, to be fair, in the past year I missed at least 2 weeks of rent. It may have been 3. There was a period when every week I had to push the rent back a day. But then, finally, one week I was able to make 2 payments. I don’t think I lost another full week of rent in that process.



The whole year was a juggling act. Every week was adjusting and readjusting. All in an attempt to just keep up sometimes.



I came into last year, and this whole home venture, with nothing. Almost less than nothing really. I mean I had my clothes, and some pots and pans and random pieces of what I suppose could be called furniture. But I was very far from having a complete home. I had so much stuff I needed to accumulate. More than I had ever given thought to before entering into this.


I needed furniture and some appliances and more dinner ware and yard tools and on and on and on. There were gifts from people and lots of roadside finds. Somehow, over the course of the year, I was able to turn this shell of a house into a home.



Every room is as furnished as it needs to be. 3 complete bedrooms. A spirit/meditation room. An office/living room. Kitchen/ Bar room/Rec room. I even have a fully functional workshop.



What I didn’t have a whole lot of was time to properly enjoy each of these rooms.



I also started last year -$160 in my bank account. In the red. If that’s not bad enough, the first two work days of that week I was sick. I went out the first day but didn’t last more than 2-3 hours. I wasn’t able to make much of the second day either.



As I’ve mentioned, the whole year was a struggle financially.



I am starting this next year in a slightly different situation. Only slight. After two weeks of chaos and disorder – slow days, no days, garage visits – I have managed to bring myself to a point where I will start my “year” tomorrow with a positive balance of about $5. I know that doesn’t sound very impressive. But it is an improvement. And quite a big one when you consider there was about a 2 week period in there when I ran a negative balance every day.



I wrote last week that I was signing off on Saturday because I didn’t think I would have time to write on Sunday. I had no idea just how right I was about that.



Sunday was a strange day right from the beginning.



Originally, I had planned to go out around like 8 or 9. Then at some point, I decided 10. Then that morning I decided maybe I would try for 8 anyway. Then 10. Then 8. Then 10. I just couldn’t find the right vibe.



Then, all of a sudden out of nowhere, I was like, “Oh it’s time to go.” I skipped a shower. I skipped breakfast. I got all of my stuff together and set about getting out of here. That morning, I needed to put some oil in The Rocket.



As I was standing there emptying the container I noticed that something in the air didn’t smell right. I couldn’t quite place it. It was a burning smell. But…burning what?



Eventually, I looked up and saw a billow of thick, black smoke just pouring out of our chimney.  I ran into the house and barreled down the steps. As I reached the bottom and rounded the corner to the furnace room, Cuddle bug calls after me, “Do you think it smells funny down here?”






The furnace room was smoky. It wasn’t filled with smoke but it was definitely cloudy. There was such a smell. I couldn’t quite place it. [Not until Brother John asked me a question later.] I threw the breaker off and got the kids out of the basement.



I immediately called Brother John who came over right away – before church – and took a look at it with me. We checked the pipes to see [the best we could] if anything was clogged. Not that we could tell. I turned the breaker back on and it took less than a minute for that overwhelming smell to return. I turned it right back off.



Brother John went on his way – to church and to make some phone calls. The kids and I set to figuring out how the day was going to play out. Sunshine was supposed to be coming for the night. I had even invited Big ‘D’ to come hang out with us. Now we weren’t sure what to do.



We have the pellet stove and some electric heaters. Heat wasn’t really the issue – though somewhat. I wasn’t necessarily concerned about fumes because there was no power going to the furnace. But it just didn’t seem right to stay here.



I called Big ‘D’ and we made arrangements to go and spend New Year’s Eve at Olde Geistopia. Boom-Dee-Aye was away for the weekend with her guy friend. I just didn’t want mom alone on New Year’s Eve. Anyway, at that point we had to pack up blankets and clothes and snacks and drinks. I also opened some of the windows in the house to air it out.



Till it was all said and done, I got out on the road around 1100.



I had a good day and then headed to Olde Geistopia.



It was a good night. We watched the New Year’s Eve specials and played games and talked and laughed. A good time was had by all. I even Grubhubbed some pizza just before midnight.



Today, I made French toast for everyone for breakfast. Then I went out and worked. I went back to Olde Geistopia for the traditional Pork & Sauerkraut dinner and then went back ou on the road for a bit.



Someone is supposed to be coming in the morning to look at the furnace.



The week ahead is challenging, but not impossible. I have steep Goals, but plenty of flex room as well.



Over the weekend, The Rocket continued to act up. Every morning, the power steering would go out and then come back some short time later. The Service Traction warning came on a few times but would reset after I turned off the car and restarted it. The oddest thing for me was that – once – the check engine light came on and then later went off all on its own. I’ve had a lot of check engine lights on my vehicles through the years. The one on The Rocket seems to have been perpetually on for a year. Never have I seen one go out on its own.



So, that catches you up, Fellow Travelers. That is how one year ends and the next one begins. It seems a whole lot of the same as it has been. But The Quest is not yet over. When this began, I said we wouldn’t truly see the changes and impacts of The Quest until around Imbolc. There is still plenty of time…and I sense something on the air.



For now, I have a few miscellaneous whatnots to finish up from Yule – Post the blog, another karaoke video and a video that came up on Saturday.




Tuesday, January 2, 2024; 0742


I’m running a little later than I would like this morning and I still have much to do. My physical space is so chaotic at the moment. I still have things to unpack from the unexpected weekend. I have laundry to do – which I wanted to do on Sunday night. I still need to make and pack lunch, eat breakfast, shower and shave.


I wanted to be out by 0800 but that is not going to happen.


Everything Happens for a Reason – Precise & Perfectly Placed


Perhaps it is because this furnace guy is supposed to come this morning and I should be here. However, financially, this can put a strain on me. I have a budgeted income of $186/day each day for 6 days. Now this covers my bills but there is also an extra $100 in there towards the remaining rent balance and there is an extra $130 in there – divided into a miscellaneous expense, a “savings” expense, and a heating expense. That $130 is not necessary [if worse comes to worst.] [Is that right??] However, I was hoping to make it so I could take it in to my support conference – as a gesture of good faith, to show that I am making an effort on all levels.


But we will see.


I had interesting dreams last night, which I managed to write down this morning. That fascinates me because usually I can’t remember them just 30 seconds after waking. But today I was able to capture a lot of the dreams and in quite a bit of detail. None of them make any sense to me – which makes them all the more curious.


I am going to set about my way now. I just felt the need to touch base.



Friday, January 5, 2024; 0300


Ahhh….The Witching Hour.


I am awake because I went to bed very early. I was in some pain yesterday. I am having dental issues at the moment. I mean, obviously I have plenty of dental issues. But for some reason yesterday I was just in pain. So, I came home and ate and went to bed. I was in pain all night. I’d wake up from time to time and struggle. It wasn’t a shooting pain – just dull and irritating. I woke up around 0130 and just had to take some medicine. [Something I don’t do often.]


So, now I am awake and raring to go. I have banana bread in the oven and thought this would be a good time to catch up. You know it’s been quite the week when I don’t make an entry for days.


Let’s start with the oil burner. Turns out it just needed a very good cleaning. Also there is some tank attached to it [expansion tank?] that was leaking a bit and needed to be replaced. All is well on that front.


Financially, the week has been the same as others. Tuesday was a great day. Wednesday kinda sucked. Yesterday was ehh. I have been on track to at least get caught up and was getting close to having a little bit extra [which would only go towards getting caught up on something else.] With Wednesday and yesterday the lead I had on things is quite diminished but there is still hope for being caught up at least.


However, I took notice that they are calling for quite a bit of snow this weekend. Not a whole lot, but enough to keep me from driving. We shall see. Right now it is bordering on Light Rain and Snow.


I try not to get too frustrated or depressed anymore when these things happen. Instead, I try to find ways to make the most of the day. For instance, when I realized it was a bad day on Wednesday I decided to go do my grocery shopping, including picking some things up at Olde Geistopia. Then I came home and made some meals with my leftover Christmas ham. I made ham, string beans and potatoes as well as ham and bean soup [which took way too long to do.] In between, I cleaned up and finished my laundry and worked at whatever miscellaneous things I could.


If the snow does come and keep me from driving this weekend I will do the same thing. What I will focus on is getting Christmas packed up and put away. That will be a big relief. Right now it is something that I am going to have to do in bits and pieces as I find the time. Except, the time hasn’t been there yet this week.


I’ve noticed that those sorts of plans never quite go as I hope. I always have things that I think I am going to be able to get to and there just never seems to be the proper time to do so.


I have had a series of dreams this week. I had one some nights ago that I was actually able to remember long enough to jot down in some sort of decent detail. Right now it means nothing to me, but I imagine some day it will. Last night I had one about doing a show and not remembering a single line. I’ve had similar dreams before. I think this is funny because I have never actually had that happen to me. I have had moments when I blanked out on stage but I have never forgotten chunks of lines or not been prepared. What was interesting about this dream though was that it contained 2 elements from my past. 2 elements that never crossed paths.


We were doing a production of Annie and apparently I was Annie. [Don’t ask me. I don’t fucking know.] This is interesting because I have directed/produced 2 productions of Annie in my life. Both were challenging. 1 outright sucked as an experience.


Nonetheless, I was backstage going through the script in a panic trying to find my lines. Any lines. The strange thing is that the script book was divided by character. So I was flipping through these tabs trying to find ‘Annie’ except I couldn’t.


I went to find the director out of desperation. The director was a man I once knew. He directed many shows I was in. He passed on many years ago. Yet, everything about him in the dream was right on point. His smile. His mannerisms. Even these dark circles he always had around his eyes. It was interesting too because when I found him he was outside with a few other guys. He said, “Whatever you need make it fast. I have to leave.” He always stayed through opening night but then would leave because he had commitments at another theatre.


The other dream I do not recall at all really. Just one image. One that I believe was a representation of Jesus. This was not surprising. I had actually invited him into my dreams earlier in the week.


Part of my Cycle seems to include this whole Jesus struggle. I have my thoughts and feelings and beliefs. They are not really in line with mainstream, contemporary Christianity. For the most part, this is OK by me. However, every so often, I find he comes up so often that one could consider him a Theme.


I’m not really all about the whole Son of G-d Savior thing. [I’m very Jeffersonian in that respect.] I don’t even really care so much about that. But what I am concerned with is acknowledging and respecting G-d properly and appropriately. So when this Theme arises I try to reconcile these thoughts and feelings. I never seem to be able to come around to what modern day Christians say I must.


This time, in response to this difficulty, I invited Jesus into my dreams. If this is what I must believe then come and explain it to me. Help me get there. The thing is when I woke I did have Jesus on my mind. However, my feelings hadn’t changed. In fact, I found myself standing even stronger in my convictions. [I also found that I was feeling extremely energized and ready to face the world.]


Well, that is all for now. I feel caught up. The energies of Yule are lingering but fading fast. In some ways, the year has started off stronger than last year. Yet, in some ways it feels quite the same. Nonetheless, I am positive and confident that the year ahead will be a good one.


Saturday, January 6, 2024; 0615


I’m not sure why I am sitting down to write at the moment. I think I felt like I should continue the pattern. But I don’t really know where my head is at the moment. There’s a lot on my mind. [When isn’t there?] It’s too much to get into right now. I don’t even know if I could focus on it properly.


Yesterday was not quite the day I wanted. It was the day that I technically needed – assuming that snow doesn’t come and mess with my next 2 days. In which case…well…I’m screwed. I went to bed early again last night but awoke this morning at a more reasonable time. [In my world – 0330.] I’ve been moving slow and kind of walking in circles.


I fear the snow is going to come and that is going to throw me all off again. It seems every time I think I am going to be able to p[ut myself back on track things [out of my control] happen. I’m not going to lie. I’m having a moment of frustration this morning.


It’s been a year of this. At first it was almost exciting. Who doesn’t enjoy a challenge? But in all this time, I can’t seem to get a foothold. Honestly, if I could, I’d give up at this point. [Of course, that is just irrational thinking.]


I have to keep reminding myself that this is only going to be Year 2 of a 3 year plan. [No. I do not know what the plan is.] As frustrated as I am, I have managed a lot and come along quite far in the past year. It hasn’t been easy, nor pretty. There are still so many things to work out and reconcile. So all I can do is keep trotting along and see what I can make of the mess.


As, I said, I do fear the snow is coming, though I hope it is not. If it does come, I will have plenty of time to write tonight and tomorrow. I have seen 3 different reports for today. One says 6”. One says 9.3”. [???] One says that The Valley could simply get rain.




Well today was a major bust. I mean it could have been worse, I suppose. But still it was terrible. I sat most of the morning. If there’s no tomorrow then I need to work most or all of the day Monday just to get caught up.


We will see.


Trust in the Lord with All Your Might


I was hoping the snow would hold off a little longer. But it didn’t. I stayed out until I started to see it stick here and there. [Which didn’t take long.] Then I headed home. So far, I’ve just kinda been chilling out and I just ate some french bread pizza. [I love french bread pizza.] Now I am writing. [Obviously.]


I have a video I want to edit. My app is giving me problems ever since I switched phones. This has me a bit frustrated. But I am hoping I can work through it. Other than that, I want to start taking down the Christmas decorations. Well, I mean I hope to finish most of it. I’m going to bur the living room tree tonight yet and then it is done for the season.


I think I am done writing for the moment.


Sunday, January 7, 2024; 1728


Another week over…and another soon to begin.


The week was rougher than I would have liked it to be. [Not that I ever really like when they’re rough at all, but, ya know.] As always, it could have been better but it could have also been much worse.


I came in short this week, but it’s nothing I can’t adjust to. It’s certainly not the worst I have faced. I’m just hoping that sooner rather than later I can flip that around again. I must say though that I am not feeling stressed. It Is What It Is. We are only 1 week into the year and, though it is not starting off the way I would like, I feel hopeful and confident that this is going to be a most excellent year.


I had a run of very bizarre dreams throughout the week. Many of which I can actually still recall [at least part] and that is unusual.


I find that I am very “in tune” lately – to a point anyway. 3 examples.


The Boy is talking about joining the Marines. He has started the process, but they need him to take a pulmonary test. Now he and Cuddlebug are both 18. She is going to college and is still covered by her mother’s insurance. He is not going to college. So, the other day I was driving along and randomly I thought, “I wonder if he actually has insurance or if it has run out.” Later that day, the kids informed me that the hospital told him he doesn’t have current insurance.


Yesterday morning I was driving and thinking about the impending snow. Then I thought of Cuddlebug at work. This made me think about how she wasn’t doing well in the morning. [Little did I know she had passed out in the morning.] Anyway, then I thought about the attitude the one manager had given her about her availability when class starts again and I wondered if they would give her a hard time if she needed to come home because she wasn’t feeling well. When I got home I asked the boy if he had heard anything from her and he told me that she was upstairs sleeping. She had come home early because she wasn’t doing so hot at work.


I don’t remember if it was yesterday or Friday, but – again – I had been driving along thinking about things. [I do a lot of thinking during my work day.] I realized the kids have been living here for about 4-5 months now and we have taken no real time to hang out as a unit. We haven’t watched movies or played games or anything. I thought it would be nice if we made time to play a game together. Last night, at no prompting from me, The Boy suggested that we all play Uno together.


The week ahead could be pretty rough. As it stands, I have an income budget of $180/day for all 7 days. I’m coming into the week with a -$100 “balance.” [I put it in quotations because my account will not actually show a negative. But that is what I am behind for payments from this week.] However, next week’s budget includes $130 over my needed bills and obligations. So, if I can actually do the $180/day I can finish the week $30 ahead.


This is the plan moving forward. I am budgeting that same income overage every week. I may have commented on this previously. $30 is for miscellaneous expenditures. For instance, I need jeans. Or, I need a tripod for the phone so I can continue WTML projects. $50 is to be set aside for future heating expenses. When I came into this winter I had no clue how much it would cost or how it would work. Now I have information from which I can work. This amount – saved over a year – should be more than enough to cover oil for an entire winter. And, finally, $50 is to be put aside for “savings.” [Again, quotations because saving would be nice but I am certain that for at least several months that money will be used to bring some balance to my life.


I have a support conference on Tuesday morning. With the craziness of the last several months, I have missed at least 2 payments. [It might be 3. I’m not really sure.] I’m not overly concerned about it. I will get back on track and my budgeted payments will slowly cover the arrears. What does have me a little on edge is that this is, once again, a new case worker. I have never met, nor spoken with, this person. Sometimes, the first meeting or two can be a little tense – just until the person gets used to me and my life and realizes that I’m not trying to pull anything.


The kids are gone tonight. They went down to Mama Rabbit’s. I enjoy the silence and stillness when they are gone. I love having Cuddlebug here, but it is nice to recharge the energies of The Homestead without the interference.


I could have probably stayed out just a bit longer tonight and covered just a bit more of that deficit. However, I am using the time to get caught up on some things as well as do laundry and such. If I am diligent throughout my night, I should be able to start my week tomorrow with a strong foothold.


I don’t often talk about the Totems and how I come across them. However, I want to mention the Eagle. I saw it today, flying in the sky. I know they are around here but it is not often that I actually encounter one. I wish I could remember what was on my mind when I saw it.



If you’re not already there, go to the Welcome to my Life Facebook page – WTML. Or the YouTube channel – WelcomeToMyLife08. You can also find me on Facebook under Rev. Matt.


Wherever you are and whenever you are – Like, Comment, and Share – we’re on a Journey and it takes you to get there.


So, without hesitation, for now and for always, from here in Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev…


WALT: And Walt…


DOC:  Unt Doc…


JOHNNY: Aaaaand Johnny…


And those guys, saying, “Stay Tuned-In, Fellow Travelers,” and wishing you Peace, Love, Light…


WALT: And Freakishness, Baby.



The Totems & Archetypes

from Ted Andrews’ Animal Speak


Hawk - Visionary Power and Guardianship.


Messengers, protectors and visionaries. Visionary power and leading you to your life purpose. There is a message coming. What you eat, you become. Kundalini. Childhood visions are becoming empowered and fulfilled. The ability to soar and glide upon the currents. Great Heights while still keeping your feet on the ground. Attacks by people who won’t understand you - attack your ability to soar. Teaching of higher expression of psychosis and vision. Beauty and harmony in moderation. Lead you to using your creative energy in manifesting your soul purpose. Hope and new ideas. A need to be open to the new or shows ways that you may help teach others to be open to the new. Be observant. Life is sending signals. Careful in expression. Comments and actions will be strong and powerful with the ability to tear and/or kill. 




Blue Jay - Proper Use of Power


It can reflect lessons in using your own power properly. It can also reflect lessons in not allowing yourself to be placed in a position in which power is misused against you. It has the ability to link the heavens and the earth, to access each for greater power. This is a totem that can move between both and tap the primal energies at either level. Higher knowledge that can be used. The main problem will be dabbling in both worlds, rather than becoming a true master of both. Usually have a tremendous amount of ability, but it can be scattered or it is often not developed any more than is necessary to get by. Not unusual to find individuals with the Jay totem being dabblers - especially in the psychic and metaphysical fields. They know a little bit about a lot of things and they use that knowledge sometimes to give the impression that they know more. Wear the crown of true master ship requires dedication, responsibility, and committed development in all things in the physical and spiritual. A reminder to follow through on all things - to not start something and then leave it dangling. A time of greater resourcefulness and adaptability is about to unfold. Going to have ample opportunities to develop and use your abilities. Look for ample time to develop and use your energies to access new levels. Actually a member of the crow family, most crows have no fear. It is because of this the Jay can help you connect to the deepest mysteries of the earth and the greatest of the heavens. This sense of seeking pleasure - often at the expense of others - can reflect an imbalance. Sometimes jay shows up when this is happening in your own life. A tremendous ability for survival with the least amount of effort. They reflect great talent, but that talent must be developed and utilized properly. It indicates that you are moving into a time where you can develop your innate royalty that is within you, or simply be a pretender to the throne. It all depends on you. 




Time to sit in the seat of power. Help creating strategies. 




Eagle - Illumination of Spirit, Healing, and Creation. 


Balance of being of the Earth, but not in it. The soul, the spirit, and warmth of life. The resurrection. Punishment and reward. Greater sight and perception. Reflects an awakening ability or the need to learn to walk between worlds. Heroic nobility and divine spirit. The rediscovery of the inner child. Alchemy. Involvement with creativity. A willingness to experience extremes in a controlled condition. A willingness to use your passions to purify and to use your abilities, even if you get scorched a little in the process. The need to stay connected to and use things of the Earth. Important to know when to speak, how much, how strongly. New vision will open. The ability to hear - spiritually and physically - may also increase. Cooperative responsibility. A healing role. Opportunities (even those thought long lost) will arise - learn to see and snatch them up. A new sense of timing and movement will begin to develop Primal force inherent and easily awakened. Take on the responsibility and the power of becoming so much more than you now appear to be. Events will now fly faster, repercussions for everything you think, do and say (or fail to) - positive and negative - will be both stronger and quicker. A powerful new dimension to life and a heightened responsibility for your spiritual growth. Touch all of life with healing and become the mediator and the bearer of new creative forces within the world. 



Mouse - Attention to Detail. 


It is either time to pay attention to details, or an indication that you cannot see the forest for the trees. You may be getting so locked into details that you forget the big picture. Are you taking care of the trivial, yet necessary, things of life? Are you getting so lost in big dreams that you are neglecting other aspects of your life? Are you becoming so focused on one or two activities that you are neglecting other opportunities? Are you missing what is right in front of you? Is there something obvious that you are missing or need to focus on? Are you trying to do too many things at once and therefore scattering your energies? Mouse can show how to pay attention to detail; how to attain the big things by working on the little things. Lessons associated with attention. 



Goose - The Call of the Quest and Travels to Legendary Places


A totem reflecting a stimulation of the childhood thrill and belief in stories and legendary places. These stories either reflected an imprint for this life or they may have even imprinted you with certain seed ideas. Also be a totem to aid you in communication especially through the use of stories. Individuals wishing to write - be it stories or anything - can facilitate this process by working with the goose as a totem. It will stimulate the imagination and help move you through creative blocks. Also a symbol of fertility and marital fidelity. It may reflect a need for more vegetables in the diet, and maybe even becoming a vegetarian for a while. It reflects an ability to move forward or backward. It reflects movement, and a call to the spiritual quest. Stirs our imagination and makes us want to seek out new worlds and dimensions. Calling us to follow them on the great spiritual quest. It speaks of the fulfilled promises that great quests bring. Epitomizes the mystery of migration. Reminds us that as any one individual mass his or her quest, it becomes easier for others to do so as well. Reminding us that we should not undertake any quest in life without having a full view of what it entails. In this way the journey is facilitated for others. Reflects an opening to new possibilities. New directions and new possibilities. Reflects an openness to new ideas. Usually indicates we are about to affix ourselves to a new path. Reflects great fertility that should be acted upon if growth is desired. Greater vision, physical and spiritual, will occur. Can reflect that you are about to break free of old childhood restraints and begin to come into your own. You can expect to have the imagination stirred towards new travels to distant places - whether in the body or mind. 




Raccoon - Dexterity and Disguise


Also study Bear. Diet - vegetables and fruits. Expert at disguise and secrecy. Can teach you how to mask and disguise and transform yourself. Can teach you how to become dexterous in the masks you wear. Can show you how to wear a healing mask or show you the face of what you will become. Holds the knowledge of how to change our faces. Do you need to present a different face to people for greater success? Are you hiding your true self? Are others hiding their true selves? Learning to use masks to put one area of yourself to sleep so that another can be awakened. Will help you develop dexterity in using masks to achieve new and altered states and dimensions. 20 week cycles. 

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