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  • Writer's pictureThe Rev. Matt

S13EP1 - Drifted

Hey, gang! Welcome to my life – where anything is possible and nothing is as it seems. I’m Freedom and I’ll be your host, coming at you from within the depths of Geistopia. 



DOC: Velcum To My Life ees a prochect, un experiment in Life unt ART. A living storyboard, if you will. Its premise ees zat life ees experiential, unt zat you can, unt do, experience ze life you choose. It ees based on Ze Veel of Life unt Ze ARTs for Ze New Millennium as life building tools. Ja, it’s true! 



WALT: Welcome to my Life is a Geist…House Players Production, in association with the Center for Creative Inspirationalism. JustUs Productions, the parent company, would like to give a ‘Shout-Out’ to the following for their ongoing, and oft-times unknowing, inspiration and support:



Princess Cuddlebug

Princess Sunshine


The Shaman

The Pillar

F’n Bob

The Entire Putt-Putt-Putter Clan

The Warden


Professor Siggy Chong

Sparky Wentz-eclaus

The VanMan and General Ralph Glossop, and Craze (may they R.I.P.)

The Messengers of The Galactic Federation


BJ & The Bull



The Baker of the Cornbread

Andy Pandy

The Mudder



St. Diane & You (4)

Brother John & Sister Jen

The Bee Man

Spooky Queen

Boom-Boom Snuffbox

The Nameless One


The Cousins

The Rox


Sir Richard Slouch

The Wix-ians

The Socialite

The Village of Idiots


Dancing Queen

Downtown Encyclopedia Brown

Chicken Witch

Dick Pointer

Soup, the Son

The Legendary Pink Elephants

Baby-Mama Rabbit

Wisconsin Belle

The Babes


Aaaand, of course, a very generous sponsor who (not-so-much) wishes to remain anonymous.



It is…Sunday, February 18, Two-Thousand and Twenty-More. Time...Discombobulated


Theme – Focused Choices (Or, The Only Thing Standing in Your Way is You)


There has definitely been a call for me to be making more Focused Choices in my days. I am so used to just kind of dopin’ along through my days – and that does have its place in my life – but I need to start choosing to get things done each day, each week. I have given myself a list of excuses as to why I can’t do this or I have to wait for that. But there are so many little things I can do along the way. Even small steps are steps in the right direction. It’s all just a matter of choosing to do it – to plan it and make it happen. Even if it happens just a little bit at a time. Of course, there is also the matter of choosing to not do things that are no longer conducive to my path.




Lesson – Everything is Just Magic Waiting to Happen


I wish I had better words to describe this. It is something that came up during Cuddlebug’s Reiki session today. I didn’t really have good words for her either. Everything has an energy force to it, a spirit. All spirits are connected in some way. All of life interacts with us. We think of magick as mystical and mythical but, truly, it is a fairly natural occurrence. It is what makes things like Reiki and Feng Shui work. Even Ask & It Is Given is merely a result of the natural magicks of living.




Observation – I’m a Little Slow


This is kind of sad to have to admit but it is true. Sometimes my brain just does not process properly. It takes me a little while to pick up on things. Some of it is stubbornness. But, I think a lot of it is just that my  mind is always clouded with thoughts and plans and schemes so I just very often miss the obvious. A simple but perfect example – today I changed out the shower curtain and liner. As I hung them on the hooks I realized that there were hooks on both sides of the hangers. One for the liner and one for the curtain itself. I did not realize that the last time I hung the curtain and liner. I don’t know how I didn’t realize it but I did not.



The Post



For several weeks now I have been making attempts at an entry and it just hasn’t been working. Some I have not been able to finish in a proper amount of time. Others were finished but something just wasn’t vibing right. The truth is, I’m still not certain what I am writing at this point.


In many ways it seems as though I have hit a rut. It really is the same thing week after week and not a whole lot of adventure or mystery about anything. So, I guess I will try to cover the basics and get up to speed without a lot of hoopla.


Financially things are the same. Every week is both a struggle and a victory. I’ve set Goals and made plans and I just can’t quite get there. Each and every week something has gotten in my way. Every week there has been an unplanned day off – weather, garage, appointments. One week I get very sick. I made it through the week until Friday night and then I was sick all day Saturday. Even today was a day off due to weather.


It would be easy to get frustrated. It would be understandable. I keep trying so hard and no matter how hard [or what] I try I just can’t “win.” However, at a second glance, I see it differently.


First of all, I have managed and survived. I haven’t been getting ahead but I have been managing and keeping up. I’ve also been making small advancements. I have been getting random little things here and there that I need for the house or my spiritual work – my calendar, my oil, sea salt, a tripod.


I’ve been getting there – one step at a time. I stopped telling myself I couldn’t and started finding times and ways that I could.


I’ve also been slowly taking care of projects around The Homestead in the same way.


Overall, I feel good about the development I see. As always, there is still a long road ahead of me but I think I can manage – little by little.


We finally got someone here to look at the fridge and that process is underway. He also helped me resolve the freezer problem I was having with the second unit. Nonetheless, within the next few weeks we will have the original unit up and running again. It will be nice to not have to leave the kitchen for stuff. Brother John has offered to cover the cost. I very purposely did not bring it up to him because I did not want him to feel obligated. He brought it up. He asked if we were getting it fixed. Then he said he would cover the cost. That is appreciated.


I’ve been going through a lot internally. I honestly still cannot process it all. I wish I could because it would give me something to write about. That’s been part of my delay in these weeks. I just can’t seem to find words for everything.


One of my experiences has been gratitude. I know I have mentioned it often before, but it is a daily revelation for me. It’s over so many things – my work, my successes, the life and adventures I have had and continue to have. The greatest of these I probably The Homestead. I am here over a year and to this day it is just an incredible notion to me. I have more moments of gratitude in a day than one could probably count – cooking something, washing dishes, carrying laundry downstairs, going out for the mail, shoveling the driveway, just standing in the kitchen. All of these are moments of gratitude.


Probably the most common is going to bed. I spent 10 years without an actual bed or a bedroom. Every night there is a sigh of gratitude as I get into bed.


I’ve had all sorts of video ideas. I am just constantly on the road trying to make things work. I’m also unsure if continuing is really what I want to do. I’m not even sure people watch the videos or read this blog anymore.


I guess I just don’t know in general.


So…let’s “start fresh” and see what happens.


I finished this week only 36 cents shy of my Goal. [Technically more, but that’s a whole other thing.] This is an accomplishment. For weeks it has been a struggle to keep up. Finally, I can start a week without having to work some of it for last week. This makes me feel good. It feels like advancement.


I just need to go week by week now and see what I can make happen. I have all sorts of plans and schemes and projects on my tressle board.


I can’t give you a preview. I really have no clue what is to come.


So…stay tuned, fellow travelers.


If you’re not already there, go to the Welcome to my Life Facebook page – WTML. Or the YouTube channel – WelcomeToMyLife08. You can also find me on Facebook under Rev. Matt.


Wherever you are and whenever you are – Like, Comment, and Share – we’re on a Journey and it takes you to get there.


So, without hesitation, for now and for always, from here in Geistopia, this is your beloved Rev…


WALT: And Walt…


DOC:  Unt Doc…


JOHNNY: Aaaaand Johnny…


And those guys, saying, “Stay Tuned-In, Fellow Travelers,” and wishing you Peace, Love, Light…


WALT: And Freakishness, Baby.



The Totems & Archetypes

from Ted Andrews’ Animal Speak


Heron - The Call of The Quest and Travels to Legendary Places.


Reflects a stimulation of the childhood thrill and belief in legendary places. [The story(s) we most loved in childhood often reflect the life quest we have come to take upon us in this lifetime.] Can also aid in communication especially through the use of stories. Individuals wishing to write can facilitate the process by working with a goose totem. It will stimulate the creative process and help to move through creative blocks. Also a symbol of fertility and marital fidelity. May reflect a need for more vegetables in the diet. An ability to move forward or backward. Reflects movement. A call to the spiritual quest. It reminds us that as any one individual makes his or her quest, it becomes easier for others to do so as well. We should not undertake any quest in life without having a full view of what it entails. Opening to new possibilities. Affix ourselves to a new path. Great fertility that should be acted upon if growth is desired. Greater vision, physical and spiritual, will occur. Can reflect that you are about to break free from old childhood restraints and begin to come into your own. You can expect to have the imagination stirred toward new travels and distant places - whether in the body or in the mind. 



Wren – Resourcefulness and Boldness


If Wren has come into your life it is time to ask yourself some questions. Are you using the resources available to you? Are others? Are you not displaying enough confidence? Are you so wrapped up in daily worries that you are forgetting to sing? Are you not staying grounded? Are you not seeing the forest because of the trees? Are you not attacking your life with enough gusto? Wren holds the medicine for using what is available, and it can teach you the most effective ways for building within your own environment.



Eagle - Illumination of Spirit, Healing, and Creation. 


Balance of being of the Earth, but not in it. The soul, the spirit, and warmth of life. The resurrection. Punishment and reward. Greater sight and perception. Reflects an awakening ability or the need to learn to walk between worlds. Heroic nobility and divine spirit. The rediscovery of the inner child. Alchemy. Involvement with creativity. A willingness to experience extremes in a controlled condition. A willingness to use your passions to purify and to use your abilities, even if you get scorched a little in the process. The need to stay connected to and use things of the Earth. Important to know when to speak, how much, how strongly. New vision will open. The ability to hear - spiritually and physically - may also increase. Cooperative responsibility. A healing role. Opportunities (even those thought long lost) will arise - learn to see and snatch them up. A new sense of timing and movement will begin to develop Primal force inherent and easily awakened. Take on the responsibility and the power of becoming so much more than you now appear to be. Events will now fly faster, repercussions for everything you think, do and say (or fail to) - positive and negative - will be both stronger and quicker. A powerful new dimension to life and a heightened responsibility for your spiritual growth. Touch all of life with healing and become the mediator and the bearer of new creative forces within the world. 



Fox - Feminine Magic of Camouflage, Shapeshifting and Invisibility. 


New world opening up. The process of creation is beginning. Guide to enter the Faerie Realm. Unless a male can recognize the magic of the feminine - in himself or others - and learn to use it to Shapeshifting his own life, it will ultimately lead to destruction. The Kundalini, and the freeing of the creative life force. Practicing and using camouflage. Working to blend in with surroundings, to come and go unnoticed, moving silently about without revealing your intentions. Learning to control the aura. Adjust its frequency and intensity so that you harmonize more with others. Levels of energy and fertility. If the focus stays on the creative energies, any sharp turn in the individual’s life will be handled with ease. Fox people have the ability to insulate themselves from anything that may seem cold, especially in relationships. Can appear larger than they are - for personal protection or for making greater impressions. Establish a trotting pace. Ability to move into new directions. Call upon new resources instinctively. Excellent ability to hear what is not being said. The ability to hear spirit. Size people up accurately. Develop the ability to see spirit. Aromatherapy. Awakening of the Kundalini. Higher forms of discrimination and discernment. Capture any prize. 



Goose - The Call of the Quest and Travels to Legendary Places


A totem reflecting a stimulation of the childhood thrill and belief in stories and legendary places. These stories either reflected an imprint for this life or they may have even imprinted you with certain seed ideas. Also be a totem to aid you in communication especially through the use of stories. Individuals wishing to write - be it stories or anything - can facilitate this process by working with the goose as a totem. It will stimulate the imagination and help move you through creative blocks. Also a symbol of fertility and marital fidelity. It may reflect a need for more vegetables in the diet, and maybe even becoming a vegetarian for a while. It reflects an ability to move forward or backward. It reflects movement, and a call to the spiritual quest. Stirs our imagination and makes us want to seek out new worlds and dimensions. Calling us to follow them on the great spiritual quest. It speaks of the fulfilled promises that great quests bring. Epitomizes the mystery of migration. Reminds us that as any one individual mass his or her quest, it becomes easier for others to do so as well. Reminding us that we should not undertake any quest in life without having a full view of what it entails. In this way the journey is facilitated for others. Reflects an opening to new possibilities. New directions and new possibilities. Reflects an openness to new ideas. Usually indicates we are about to affix ourselves to a new path. Reflects great fertility that should be acted upon if growth is desired. Greater vision, physical and spiritual, will occur. Can reflect that you are about to break free of old childhood restraints and begin to come into your own. You can expect to have the imagination stirred towards new travels to distant places - whether in the body or mind. 



Hawk - Visionary Power and Guardianship.


Messengers, protectors and visionaries. Visionary power and leading you to your life purpose. There is a message coming. What you eat, you become. Kundalini. Childhood visions are becoming empowered and fulfilled. The ability to soar and glide upon the currents. Great Heights while still keeping your feet on the ground. Attacks by people who won’t understand you - attack your ability to soar. Teaching of higher expression of psychosis and vision. Beauty and harmony in moderation. Lead you to using your creative energy in manifesting your soul purpose. Hope and new ideas. A need to be open to the new or shows ways that you may help teach others to be open to the new. Be observant. Life is sending signals. Careful in expression. Comments and actions will be strong and powerful with the ability to tear and/or kill. 

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